Hello everyone, My name is Peter and I'm 26 years old. I work as a test and quality engineer and I'm from Augsburg, in Bavaria Germany. In my day-to-day job, I'm working together with car OEMs, Android devices, and their tools, like CANoe, CARMEN, Ellisys, ADB, and others. In the last months, I have seen Christian "gromit" Heusel in several upstream discussions and issues, and we got in contact with each other. We talked about getting more involved in Arch Linux, and this awakened my interest in becoming a package maintainer. My Linux journey started in 2018, beginning with a small project with a Raspberry Pi for my training as an environmental protection technician. I created a project with the "Enviro+ environmental monitoring station", which monitors temperature, pressure, humidity sensors, and others. This was then put together with Prometheus and Grafana into a graphical application, which visualized the values and changes of these. At this time, I also started using Arch Linux distribution on my desktop and learned more and more about Linux. In the meantime, I have learned to work with PKGBUILDs, learned bash, and started to maintain a custom kernel, together with some custom schedulers. In 2021, there was an RFC[1] posted on Arch Linux for the x86-64-v3 micro-architecture port. This got me very interested, and I started the "CachyOS"[2] project with Hamad Marri and Vladislav Nepogodin, which was intended as a learning and enthusiasts project. Over the years, we have integrated the x86-64-v3 and x86-64-v4 integration into this project. Additionally, I have further maintained the custom kernel "linux-cachyos"[3], and also started working together with upstream kernel developers as well as reporting bugs in the kernel community. Currently, in my spare time, I'm mainly maintaining the CachyOS project but also contribute a lot to the sched-ext project, while integrating this into CachyOS as well as doing the testing for the scx-scheds[4] schedulers. I will also be at the Linux Plumbers Conference in Vienna[5] and will give a talk about the integration and benefits of using sched-ext for distributions. I'm also currently maintaing the infrastructure of CachyOS, which includes services like mailserver, mirrors syncing, administration and others. Most of these servers are running on Arch Linux, therefore I have also gained experience in maintaining and managing these. In general, you may know me better by the name "ptr1337". I have reported bugs and suggestions to Arch Linux, as well as helping the Arch Linux-based community. Since the GitLab migration by Arch Linux, I have made a bunch of contributions to packages as well as helping the overall Arch Linux-based community. To further bring more involvement to the upstream Arch Linux project, I am applying as a package maintainer. Also, I could further bring my experience with the x86-64-v3 integration for Arch Linux as well as bringing up discussions from "downstream" distributions. Following packages from the AUR, I would like to maintain in the Arch Linux repository: - scx-scheds (as soon as the sched-ext framework is merged in the mainline kernel) - libpfm (this needs to be discussed with the linux-tools maintainer) - contour - libunicode (dependecy for contour) - boxed-cpp (dependecy for contour) - virtme-ng - llvm-bolt - ananicy-cpp For most of the above packages, I'm directly in contact with the developers as well as contributing and providing testing for these. Following packages in the Arch Linux repository, I could possibly (Co-)Maintain: - bpftop - cosmic group - dkms - wine-staging If there are any other packages that currently lack maintenance and need some help, I'm open to maintaining these. My sponsors are Christian "gromit" Heusel and Bert "bertptrs" Peters. Thanks for guiding me through the application process as well as the nice talk with each other. Best regards, Peter "ptr1337" Jung References ---------- [1] https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/rfcs/-/blob/master/rfcs/0002-march.rs... [2] https://cachyos.org [3] https://github.com/cachyos/linux-cachyos [4] https://github.com/sched-ext/scx/ [5] https://lpc.events/event/18/sessions/192/#20240918 Other Links --------------- Gitlab Arch Linux: https://gitlab.archlinux.org/ptr1337 Github: https://github.com/ptr1337 PKGBUILDs: https://github.com/CachyOS/CachyOS-PKGBUILDS AUR Packages: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages?SeB=m&K=ptr1337