14 Dec
14 Dec
4:35 a.m.
Hi there folks, I took over recently on a package called sabnzbd, specifically: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=13691 While trying to update the PKGBUILD, I notice that it doesn't install the depndencies. Is this the expected behaviour or am I not using the right parameters, i.e. makepkg -s --asroot. [root@myhost sabnzbd]# makepkg -s --asroot ==> Making package: sabnzbd 0.4.12-1 i686 (Sun Dec 13 23:21:24 EST 2009) ==> Checking Runtime Dependencies... ==> Installing missing dependencies... par2cmdline package not found, searching for group... error: 'par2cmdline': not found in sync db ==> ERROR: Pacman failed to install missing dependencies. Please advise, Farhan