* Lukas Fleischer <lfleischer@archlinux.org> [2015-06-08 13:32:26 +0200]:
On Mon, 08 Jun 2015 at 11:12:36, Florian Bruhin wrote:
I just tried to upload my first package, and I get this:
remote: Traceback (most recent call last): remote: File "hooks/update", line 194, in <module> remote: if repo[treeobj.id].size > 100000: remote: AttributeError: '_pygit2.Tree' object has no attribute 'size' remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master To ssh+git://aur@aur-dev.archlinux.org:22/agendav.git/ ! [remote rejected] aur4/agendav -> master (hook declined)
Does your Git repository contain subdirectories? Do you need them?
It shouldn't - I used the import-to-aur4 script to split the repo, and now I'm trying to push the individual branches it created by hand. However, I rebased to fix some mistakes I did earlier in my git repo (like a missing source file). I think I accidentally did something wrong there, which means the commit-tree/graph actually contained the earlier (unsplit) repo. I'll investigate and report back now that I have an idea what's wrong :)
Subdirectories were forbidden in AUR 3.5.1 and they are still not allowed in Git repositories. I will improve the error message.
Thank you! Florian -- http://www.the-compiler.org | me@the-compiler.org (Mail/XMPP) GPG: 916E B0C8 FD55 A072 | http://the-compiler.org/pubkey.asc I love long mails! | http://email.is-not-s.ms/