This is a bug in aura's array parsing logic, which is in Bash/Parser.hs line : array :: Parser [BashString] array = concat . catMaybes <$> array' <?> "valid array" where array' = char '(' *> spaces *> manyTill single' (char ')') single' = (Nothing <$ comment <* spaces) <|> (Just <$> single) ...and is missing backslash ('\\') support and is overly simplistic. See for comparison the command parser in the same file (which has backslash support): command :: Parser Field command = spaces *> (Command <$> many1 commandChar <*> option [] (try args)) where commandChar = alphaNum <|> oneOf "./" args = char ' ' >> unwords <$> line >>= \ls -> case parse (many1 single) "(command)" ls of Left _ -> fail "Failed parsing strings in a command" Right bs -> return $ concat bs line = (:) <$> many (noneOf "\n\\") <*> next next = ([] <$ char '\n') <|> (char '\\' *> spaces *> line) On Sun, Nov 3, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Frederik "Freso" S. Olesen <> wrote:
Den 03-11-2013 13:29, Fabien Dubosson skrev:
[...] So before filling a
bug request to `aura`, I wanted to be sure that it is allowed/common to use `\` to split lines in the `depends` array?
For some more in-depth information than Rafael's commanding comment: 1) the \ character followed by a newline is used for breaking up long lines in (ba)sh code. The $depends array is thus perfectly valid bash, and I would file a bug report against aura to either make it not error - or at least change it to a warning, since: 2) there's no need to escape the newline in the $depends array, as newlines will just be treated like other whitespace until the array definition is ended by the ")" character, thus I would *also* do as Rafael "suggested" and ask the octave-hg to remove the backslash.
-- Frederik "Freso" S. Olesen <>