On Sun, Aug 9, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Eli Schwartz <eschwartz93@gmail.com> wrote:
I have just attempted to update fanficfare{,-git} and I cannot push the changes because they are a non-fast-forward.
I cannot be 100% sure because I don't have local clones, I have been splitting off subtrees as needed (see my setup at https://github.com/eli-schwartz/pkgbuilds) but this is supposed to be 100% guaranteed to create the same sha1 hash. However, it appears that the AUR repos are now out of sync. Same content and everything.
Am I supposed to believe that those packages -- and a bunch more (but not all...) of mine -- had their repos randomly and sneakily rewritten??? Or that git subtrees are simply unreliable??? Neither seems very likely.
This was working perfectly at least until July 20 (the last time I updated anything).
-- Eli Schwartz
So, comparing my subtree split of fanficfare I get a root commit at: 69c3f0eec7fe3ce2983dec09b5dcba5a02d9169c In the AUR, the root commit is: 3c5d51989c6d14feea568ba6627dd9e5e7492f67 git diff them, they're identical trees. The commit messages are the same, the author and commit info are identical. How is that even possible??? -- Eli Schwartz