If the package has been out of date for months, a couple of weeks more can't hurt that bad. Also, if you need an up-to-date version NOW, just download and make the needed changes to the PKGBUILD, even post it in the comments of the package. On 9 October 2013 22:39, Doug Newgard <scimmia22@outlook.com> wrote:
From: lara@craft.net.br Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2013 17:35:33 -0300 To: aur-general@archlinux.org Subject: Re: [aur-general] disown fortune-mod-br
The package is out of date since 2012! The sistematico adopted the
---------------------------------------- package and
not updated until today. He is still using $startdir in the package.
I can not understand, what the problem?!
And how would you feel if someone was able to just email this list and take over one of your package for no reason without even attempting to contact you first?
I don't understand what's difficult about sending an email.
-- *~ Lara ~*
And I can't understand what the problem is with sending a simple email.