Thanks, I reverted the "stan" package and orphaned it again. Hopefully no user of this package has upgraded in the meanwhile, sorry for the mess... Not sure FS#22992 was a good idea :) 2012/2/18 Lukas Fleischer <>
I created a package and uploaded it to the AUR, but it seems there was already one with the same name since it has votes and the name of another contributor appears... I guess it was orphaned and I automatically adopted it by uploading a new version ? Is there some history to check it referred at least to the same software ? It think it would be better if
On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 08:11:22PM +0100, Julien Nicoulaud wrote: maintainers
had to explicitly click "Adopt" before being allowed to upload new versions of packages.
There's a Git mirror of all AUR packages [1]. And having to explicitly adopt a package before submitting an update was how the AUR behaved before 1.8.1 was released [2] :)
[1] [2]