4 Apr
4 Apr
4:15 p.m.
2008/4/3, JJDaNiMoTh <jjdanimoth@gmail.com>:
On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 13:46:53 +0200 Done now. All PKGBUILDs are in unsupported, and are orphan. Please, adopt it if you wish maintain. I have uploaded all targz to http://jjdanimoth.altervista.org/arch ( xfce4-svn dir ) to help future Contributor.
For TU, I have only detagged them, so if you want to put back in community ( and maintain it ) you will need to do only makepkg and communitypkg.
Also, I close all bug report for xfce-svn packages.
Good work JJDaNiMoTh -- Andrea `BaSh` Scarpino Arch Linux Trusted User Linux User: #430842