On Sun, 09 Aug 2009 18:36:43 +0200 Stefan Husmann <stefan-husmann@t-online.de> wrote:
Xyne schrieb:
What's the recommended procedure for moving packages from the AUR into [community]?
if the package has more than 10 votes or more than 1% usage in pkgstats, you can just do it. It would be nice to leave some friendly words on the AUR comment-page or in a private mail to the maintainer.
If the package has less than 10 votes and less than 1% usage in pkgstats, you can ask on this list. You will need 3 TU's affirmation to move it.
For the technical side refer to http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/DeveloperWiki:HOWTO_Be_A_Packager
Best Regards Stefan.
Thanks for the reply. I don't thinkl I was clear enough in my question though. I'm already familiar with the info that you posted. What I specifically want to know is how to convert an AUR pkg into a community pkg so that the data on the AUR page is still connected to the package. For example, Nexuiz is in community and its AUR page shows this. It still has all of its votes associated with it. I've moved powerpill and the underlying perl libs into community using the commands given on the HOWTO_Be_A_Packager page, but the AUR pages is not associated with it in any way. I do not want to delete the old AUR package if I can avoid it as I would prefer to keep a record of the votes. Maybe a better way to ask the question is how do I change the location of a package on the AUR from "unsupported" to "community" and have it associated with the svn package. Is this still possible? Xyne