On Tuesday 17 August 2010, at 08:23:17, Ionuț Bîru <ibiru@archlinux.org> wrote:
Did catalyst resolved the issues that we had with it some time ago? If yes catalyst should be repacked properly if you want it in repos, like nvidia is.
No, catalyst is still away from good support of upstream kernel/xorg-server. For xserver 1.7 support we had to wait for nearly 5 months! Plus we have to wait 2 months for them to put my 1 line patch which serve kernel 2.6.34 support, 1 line! Sure it's now supporting xserver 1.8 and kernels up to 2.6.36-rc1 but it's bad idea to put it to official repo just because of that. Catalyst actually support just few distros, and that distros are generally far from upstream. I was actually crossing all my fingers for xserver 1.9 (which has new abi) in ubuntu 10.10. But it was worth it... <sigh> so we don't need to wait for new xserver support for 5 months, just 2... Anyhow my point is that catalyst atm isn't ready to land in official repo, it's far far away from Arch Way, and i think that catalyst should show at least one year of good support before we could put it to official repo again. -- Greetz Vi0L0 gpg: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x561FEC2AFFC7E56E