Le Sun, 27 Sep 2009 17:21:23 -0400, Ray Kohler <ataraxia937@gmail.com> a écrit :
Back on topic, I think I'll wait and see if anybody else has any surprising suggestions that disagree with this one, and if none are forthcoming, I'll disown the surf package. Having a pacman developer tell me not to use pacman for a given purpose is rather convincing, in which case, I should let someone who _isn't_ convinced take on the package and worry about the problem, instead of me. ;)
Well, I am not since I use surf with the stock configuration :) Even if I weren't, I don't use Yaourt or any automatic upgrade tool (but I do have a script that checks and warns me if my packages are outdated) so the way it works now is OK for me. I always install everything with Pacman when I can because it can track the files in my system tree for me. I create custom PKGBUILDs if I need to, even if they have to be ugly. Anyway, I think surf should stay in AUR and be maintained so I'm ready to take ownership of the package if you choose to disown it. -- catwell