On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 11:04 PM, Daenyth Blank <daenyth+arch@gmail.com> wrote:
Not much we can do about this in AUR. I wonder why users are not supposed to file bug reports for outdated packages. I think it would actually help people gauge how important certain packages are.
It would: - be globally readable and writable. - allow users to post updated PKGBUILDs. - allow developers to provide comments on why packages are out of date - help ensure that out of date notices don't get lost in the maintainer's mountain of other email, or wherever they go. I am in favor of this. Or maybe instead of having people report it in that manner, have archweb automatically file a bug report when a user marks it out of date.
why? The maintainer gets automatically notified when a package is flagged out of date. If no maintainer is set a message is send to the arch-dev mailing list. IMHO it would be really annoying to clutter the bugtracker with such reports. Ronald