On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Matthew Monaco <dgbaley27@0x01b.net> wrote:
This will do what rc.d/webfsd does with conf.d/webfsd: webfsd.service --------------------------------------------------------- [Unit] Description=webfsd Documentation=man:webfsd(1) After=network.target
[Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/webfsd -p 8080 -u nobody -R /srv/http -f index.html -F
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
But I think an EnvironmentFile is useful for this service as it only takes config on the command line. webfsd@.service -------------------------------------------------------- [Unit] Description=webfsd Documentation=man:webfsd(1) After=network.target
[Service] EnvironmentFile=/etc/webfs/%i.conf ExecStart=/usr/bin/webfsd $WEBFSD_ARGS -F
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
It depends on the service/daemon of course, so there might be a case for doing this. I would say to keep it simple in general (the first file you pasted), but if it turns out that there is no way to make it generic enough (e.g., in the case of domainname literally every admin would need to tweak the file), then using EnvFile might make sense. I would, however, really resist using instances of config files as you did here, unless that is really a common scenario (I don't know this software at all, so might be). Let's keep it simple :-) -t