Massimiliano Torromeo and/or Jonathan Steel: Just following up to your previous posts below. Note that for vagrant, you really should use vagrant-installers, rather than using gems/bundler directly for it, if you're going to create a package. Maybe the right way is to add support to vagrant-installers for PKGBUILDs. For ceph, it's a pretty typical conf/make/install. A lot of customization/flexibility should be left for the user in the ceph case, and adding a wiki page would be a good idea as well. Ceph stable releases are approx. every 3 months, so it is predictable and relatively low-maintenance, whereas Vagrant has more bursty releases. If you take ceph, you will probably find it useful to adopt ceph-git in AUR as well. Cheers, Ido On Fri Feb 21 17:20:39 EST 2014, Massimiliano Torromeo <> wrote:
I would be interested if building from source wouldn't probably mean to also move a dozen ruby dependencies or use bundler.
I will probably move ceph, which you are also maintaining, though.
On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Jonathan Steel <mail at> wrote:
On Fri 21 Feb 2014 at 12:51, Ido Rosen wrote:
I maintain vagrant package in AUR. I believe vagrant is a very useful tool for ArchLinux users. I am happy to continue maintaining it in AUR; however, for the good of the community, it would be great if one of you TUs could move vagrant into [community] as soon as possible so it could get wider exposure. It currently has ~147 votes. Releases are infrequent, so it has been very easy to maintain overall.
AUR package: Upstream distribution website:
Also, if you'd like to make changes to the PKGBUILD in AUR, you can submit a pull request on GitHub: (under the aur/vagrant directory).
I use this a bit and was considering moving it to community when I had a bit more time. If no one steps up in the next week or so then I'll start looking at moving it/the best way to package it.
-- Jonathan Steel