On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 9:15 PM, Evangelos Foutras <foutrelis@gmail.com> wrote:
Vesa Kaihlavirta wrote:
Just noticed that xmobar, which I uploaded on 2009/01/18 to community (with all the other ghc-6.10 updates) was just recently adopted by
I believe that when a package is moved to [community], it's automatically orphaned in AUR. Call this a bug if you wish (there could be a technical reason behind this behavior), but the thing is that you need to adopt it once it has been moved.
Yes, I considered that probable as well. Then again, I remember explicitly adopting xmobar myself after uploading it... then again again, I'm not known for my great memory. Nevertheless, why adopt a package that wasn't out-of-date without doing anything to it? Especially when you already have more than 700? --vk