On 30.01.2016 00:53, Ryan Whited wrote:
I've written my first PKGBUILD that I think is acceptable to submit and while I tried to make sure I followed the guidelines, I wanted to submit it for review here.
Sorry, but this PKGBUILD looks unacceptable to me. Quotes are from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_packaging_standards
Packages should not contain any of the following directories: ... /home You shouldn't install anything in home directories, install it in /usr/share/${pkgname} or /opt/${pkgname} instead
All important messages should be echoed during install using an .install file. For example, if a package needs extra setup to work, directions should be included. If you need to copy files to /home/$USER/.godot/templates/ for programs to work correctly put message about it in the .install file.
Do not introduce new variables into PKGBUILD build scripts, unless the package cannot be built without doing so, as these could possibly conflict with variables used in makepkg itself. If a new variable is absolutely required, prefix the variable name with an underscore (_).
You create LICENSE file by copying part of main/main.cpp but you probably should just use LICENSE.md included in the archive. Also you don't copy it anywhere.
The license file(s) should be included in /usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/ e.g. /usr/share/licenses/dibfoo/LICENSE. One good way to do this is by using: install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
In conclusion, you made big mistakes in this PKGBUILD. I think you should probably rewrite most of it after reading ArchWiki packaging guidelines carefully. Regards, Victor