One problem is that the different gems have different upstream versions (ruby-jekyll 2.5.3, ruby-jekyll paginate 1.1.0, etc). However, ruby-jekyll should definitely depend on all of its dependencies, which it does not do currently. Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <> writes:
Hi there!
Jekyll is currently a bit of a mess on the AUR. There's packages for several "plugins", like ruby-jekyll-pagination, and several others.
However, these are not plugins in the traditional sense of the word: jekyll won't run if they're not installed, so they're more like libraries. Libraries that are only used inside jekyll and are not designed to be used independently.
So there's very strong codependency. ruby-jekyll-pagination and ruby-jekyll end up depending on each other mutually. Again, "-pagination" is merely an example, there's plenty of these.
Someone suggested merging these into a single package: they're diferente upstream gems, but only work in unison, and are useless separately, so I'm inclined to simplify this on our side (KISS, right?).
Would this course of action be deemed appropriate? Is it acceptable? I know we usually don't bundle stuff like this in AUR, but this seems like a strong exception, since we're talking about packages with mutual codependency.
Thoughts? Opinions?