2013/12/23 Dustin Falgout <dustin@falgout.us>:
On 12/22/2013 03:15 PM, Ike Devolder wrote:
Sad news. You did a great job on maintaining PackageKit's alpm backend in the recent years. Thanks for your work, and good luck!
If nobody step up porting the alpm backend to PackageKit version 0.8 (huge work!), I'll drop the following packages from the [community] repository in the next days: - apper - gnome-settings-daemon-updates - gnome-packagekit - packagekit - packagekit-qt2 - python2-packagekit
-- György Balló Trusted User Why the rush to drop these packages ? Currently it is working, when none of the TU/DEV are willing/able to continue the development of the alpm backend for packagekit and at some
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 08:12:10PM +0100, Balló György wrote: point things break, then it would be a good time to drop those packages from community.
I didnt see this message before but wanted to add that I agree. The 0.7x branch of packagekit is still supported upstream so there is no need to hastly drop the packages. Of course thats only my opinion, it's obviously up to you guys as TU's.
-- *Dustin Falgout* Antergos Dev Team
E-Mail: dustin@falgout.us <mailto:dustin@falgout.us> Google/Skype: dustinfalgout IRC Chat: #antergos <http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=antergos&uio=d4>
Good to hear that you'll work on this, so we can keep the packages. It's an important task, because the latest version of Apper and GNOME Software depend on the 0.8 branch now. Ike, then go ahead, and adopt these packages. -- György Balló Trusted User