2008/10/24 Jiyunatori <tori@0xc29.net>:
Hi there.
jxy is asking me on AUR if I can include the info file of the emacs-org-mode package.
however, an old version of org-mode is now shipped with emacs, thus installing some info files within /usr/share/info.
Is there a policy to address this problem ? Should I overwrite the info files from emacs (bad idea I guess) Should I rename the info file ? Should I just avoid installing the file, as I'm doing now ?
If I were you, I would look at the differences between files from original emacs and and files from your package. If there was significant diferency between them, it would be meaningful to provide info files with your package. Anyway if you really want to include files, it's much better to rename them. Any attempt to replace existing files will end with pacman yelling at you about conflicting files.