On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 13:55:18 +0200 Ulf Winkelvos <ulf@winkelvos.de> wrote:
the lazy people fail again... this was not intended to be a reply to this topic. I was just to lazy to copy the mailing-list adress and forgot about the "In-Reply-To:" Header field. :)
btw: this is the package: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=28077
On 26.06.2010 13:46, Ulf Winkelvos wrote:
vlc-git-va is obsolete now, as vlc-dev and vlc-git both support vaapi acceleration, with the arch stock ffmpeg recompiled. So it can be transfered to the graveyard. :)
Done, please place new text in future mails beneath the old one. -- Jabber: atsutane@freethoughts.de Blog: http://atsutane.freethoughts.de/ Key: 295AFBF4 FP: 39F8 80E5 0E49 A4D1 1341 E8F9 39E4 F17F 295A FBF4