and to be clear enough, with the maintainer of 8,9 i've discussed in the
A rethink has been needed for quite a while. I guess I will restate my opinion once more. Comment by: RandyPenguin <account.php?Action=AccountInfo&ID=13395> on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 03:37:32 +0000 The only package on that list that existed when I put mine up was chromium-snapshot. The way I see it they are all snapshots and going by that scheme would not transmit the idea I was aiming at. The first one I put up was 'chromium-continuous' a descriptor I selected because it was pulled from the all green continuous directory. I then put up the one in question and gave it a descriptor that relayed the fact that it pulls the absolute latest build. I then created the late great (and quite problematic) lkgr. That build (for a time) was the most stable of the unstable builds one could select until the last change they made to the selection criteria. I do not understand duplicating effort for the sake of a schematic descriptor, to each his own I guess. Though, going that route I think there should be more of a clarification, or distinguishing factor should I say, between the versions that grab a specified checksummed build, the selection of which by other maintainers prompted me to add my own (Chromium has come far enough for me to trust it, when I didn't I ran continuous) and those that don't. By the by I am still waiting for the project to follow through on my request to add md5s to the build directories. More encouragement by the community would be helpful, here is a link: If consolidated communication between the various maintainers produces a consensus for an amenable course of action please let me know. I'll be happy to make any changes necessary. ^_^ Comment by: DeeCodeUh <account.php?Action=AccountInfo&ID=6355> on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 02:43:39 +0000 I understood your point, but I just like my package name better.. Would you like me to disown my package so you can adopt it? Because I really do like my name, and think it's more descriptive. There are already 3 other packages that correspond with my name scheme and I thought I'd complete it. chromium-snapshot-64 chromium-snapshot-64-last chromium-snapshot And then my package: chromium-snapshot-latest past about those packages, deleted one or two times one of > them, but he argue with me about the importance of them. some time he didn't upload anything but surprise, he did it again. Why are you misrepresenting the situation? "to be clear enough" No I don't think you are. "deleted one or two times one of them" Not correct, the only one I asked to be deleted was lkgr.