Am 14.03.2010 08:43, schrieb Daniel J Griffiths (Ghost1227):
I'm a newcomer to this list.
I've been using Arch for about a year and today I decided to learn what it takes to make an Arch package. I took a simple app I had developed in C++/OpenGL, learned how to use autotools to compile and install it. Had been using handcoded Makefiles before. Then, I followed the guidelines to write a PKGBUILD for it and went about making my package installable/uninstallable via pacman. Took a couple hours to grasp it right, but now that I understand how it works, I love Arch even more.
I feel like helping the community and I think maintaining packages would be a starting point.
How do I go about starting it, shall I just search for orphans/out of date that should/could be fixed, take them and thats it? :)
Érico de Morais Nunes Engenharia de Computação Universidade Federal do Pampa Campus Bagé That's a wonderful place to start... There's a near infinite number of
On 03/14/10 at 04:22am, Érico Nunes wrote: packages in AUR that are orphaned and need some love!
Yes, that is the best place to start. A good source of inspiration also is the package request forum on Regards Stefan