Hello people,

I'm Kimiblock, the maintainer of wechat-uos-bwrap, writing to request Package Maintainer's action to solve the intentionally duplicated package on AUR. WeChat is a closed-source software developed by Tencent which is used by almost all people in China. In March 5, people in #archlinux-cn discovered that there is a testing version available and shortly after, it became a installable package for China's UOS. 

I've packaged wechat-uos-bwrap in 2024-03-05 23:37 (CST). 2 days after in 2024-03-07 09:18 (CST), AUR account leaeasy submitted wechat-beta-bwrap. If you look at the initial commit of wechat-beta-bwrap, it was almost completely copied from wechat-uos-bwrap (other than a different way to extract the .deb), even the .desktop file. The only major thing they changed is wechat.sh, which sanbox function is removed. But wechat-uos-bwrap can read a environment variable "trashAppUnsafe=1" and disable its sandbox function. So I filed a merge request (#PRQ57379) to merge wechat-beta-bwrap into wechat-uos-bwrap.

After that, one of the wechat-beta-bwrap maintainer 7Ji submitted a new package called wechat-universal-bwrap, which is also a duplicate package of wechat-uos-bwrap.

So, I'm thinking to merge all that duplicate packages and my wechat-uos-bwrap into wechat-uos. Sadly, the original Maintainer DuckSoft disappeared (the last message he sent in #archlinux-cn is over 3 years ago). Therefore, I'm requesting Package Maintainers to merge wechat-beta-bwrap and wechat-universal-bwrap and give Maintainer role to previous wechat-uos maintainer, sukanka so that this package can be updated. I'll merge wechat-uos-bwrap into wechat-uos once sukanka finish updating this package and add the sandbox function. I've contacted sukanka via Matrix and he/she is willing to maintain this package.
