Because that's not how the English language (, or any that I know of, for that matter,) works.
With a name like Johannes Löthberg, I'm going to assume that English isn't your first language. Therefore, unless you have at least a master's degree in linguistics, I wouldn't recommend thinking you know more about English than a native speaker does. "Doesn't" is the negative of "does", "prevent" is the negative of "allow", and "confusing" is the negative of "clear". Another example is "I'm not feeling bad" versus "I'm feeling good". Here, the "not" and the "bad" are just like the "doesn't" and the "prevent" in Mark's sentence. Capish? Guys, how much longer is this going to continue? Maybe you have a problem with my ego, but, for Christ's sake, "Lodge a Request" is clearly better than "File Request" (in this context). Nonetheless, keep coming at me with the pointless rebuttals if you so desire.