You still have to email him/her personally per the rules of the AUR. I'm not sure if the notification feature effects just the comments, or also the out of date flag. Sorry for top posting, gmail's client sucks on the phone. On Aug 22, 2012 6:55 AM, "Robert Knauer" <> wrote:
Am Wed, 22 Aug 2012 06:46:57 -0700 schrieb Taylor Lookabaugh <>:
Did you email the maintainer and waited out the two weeks period? On Aug 22, 2012 6:05 AM, "Robert Knauer" <> wrote:
Hello, there is a new version of dayplanner[1] since the 28th of March and the package is marked as outdated since 08th of August and there's no reaction from the maintainer. I have a working PKGBUILD for the new version and I already added an AUR package for perl-date-holidayparser[2], which is a dependency for the new version, so it would be nice if a TU could disown it that I can become the maintainer.
[1] [2]
I didn't email the maintainer, but the package has been flagged out of date 2 weeks ago, so he also got an e-mail 2 weeks ago and didn't react with a package update or at least a comment to explain why he can't update.