On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Michael Düll (akurei) <mail@akurei.org> wrote:
Am Donnerstag 15 Juli 2010, 00:41:13 schrieb Thomas Dziedzic:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Thomas Dziedzic <gostrc@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Michael Düll (akurei) <mail@akurei.org> wrote:
Am Mittwoch 14 Juli 2010, 23:10:07 schrieb Ionuț Bîru:
On 07/14/2010 11:54 PM, Michael Düll (akurei) wrote:
Hello fellow Archers!
I wonder why there's no option to delete your own package from AUR.
Some users pointed out, that there once was too much abusive behaviour. I can't think of a way how this could be abused, if you are only allowed to delete your _own_ uploaded packages, except one: If there's many users (and OTHER packages from AUR that rely on that perticular package [eg bin32-wine relies on lib32-libldap from AUR]), and you delete it, thus breaking dependencies. My proposal is: Allow people to delete their own AUR packages if a) No other AUR package depends on it and b) if there's less than 10 people "using" it (aurvote). This way it would be easy to delete a faulty package without first asking on the list and it would hopefully encourage more people to try and put PKGBUILDS on AUR.
we had in the past a problem with an user who deleted a lot of packages. he did that by adopting orphaned packages
Okay, so let's introduce a "barrier": Let one delete packages like I said (he owns them, no other package relies on it, no more than 10 aurvotes) _plus_ let one delete packages, that he owns for _more than three months_. This way there's less chance that someboy "goes amok". Additionally there could be an "Trusted-User-Only Undelete" feature for a few weeks.
I guess you could open this as a feature request if you really want to, the problem I see is that you have to make sure the system can't be abused. Also, someone has to code it up, and I haven't really seen much interest in the aur website at all. Its just what I think atm.
Also, this seems like more work then just asking for a tu to check out a package and delete it.
I could take over this task. Somehow (if there's PHP and SQL). I am merely asking if it would be accepted by the Archers ;)
I just think that maintaining the aur should be left up to the TUs is all. And Allan's just proposed idea seems a lot more appealing to me :)