On 12/03/2017 07:29 PM, beest wrote:
On Sun, Dec 03, 2017 at 01:47:51PM -0500, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
You do not need to obfuscate your email address, alternatively you already have older versions that are quite discoverable and contain the unobfuscated version. That being said, you used the single most common "obfuscation", which AFAIK all spambot scrapers know how to interpret.
In fairness, this has been advised per the AUR wiki page (with accompanying "user at domain dot tld" examples) for a while now. It's pretty pointless, but I doubt anyone reading PKGBUILDs will be confused by it. I tend to follow prior contributor style and keep obfuscations just for giggles.
Well, at least some people use proper rot13 encryption... I'd definitely agree as far as leaving others' email addresses the way they wrote them. But my email address is already readable in git metadata so I don't really see the point of bothering at all on my own behalf. -- Eli Schwartz