On 9/24/10, JerichoKru <jerichokru@hotmail.com> wrote:
Google's way of versioning things is weird...both the stable and beta are the same version? I'm so confused.
Oh well, I'll update it with what link says.
There should be nothing to get/be confused about. Virtually with all software a stable version will sometimes go ahead the beta one, which in turn brings mixed opinions with certain packages in AUR between the maintainer and others whether the package should be updated or not. It's happened a few times when the maintainer has claimed that his package should only follow beta releases - which is not correct unless specifically mentioned in the pkgdesc or the pkgname. Well anyways, the dev(/canary) channel(s) will always be newer than beta/stable channels. Also, no need to cover you being wrong by saying you are confused or anything. Thanks for your time, Det