24 Nov
24 Nov
8:12 p.m.
Hi, I've updated the ghemical PKGBUILDs (ghemical, libghemical, liboglappth) but I don't have time to sort out package signing right now. Can any of you check them in and build them (both architectures)? If you do, please close https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/27044 If not, I will try to get to it this weekend. You can find the makepkg source tarballs here: http://xyne.archlinux.ca/miscellaneous/ghemical/ sha512: 3454e320964322d81d2c3d29be1876caa094c3987e550b085bcb2acda6a8f1e935d3a0d693fc831ae12518100b8f822ad3143a31f167c618eac3f896a0b2eef4 ghemical.tar.xz Thanks.