Hi Morten and Torsten! Replying to both of your emails in one go :)
I notice you are using `-buildvcs=false` in some Go packages which should probably go into the package guidelines, but that is largely on me.
Great point. If I have time, I might sketch out an edit to the guidelines to include a section about using `-buildvcs=false` for non-VCS sources to avoid embedding errouneous VCS metadata.
Generally seems like high quality scripts. One nitpick is that you can replace all your `[ "$some_check" = 1 ];` with `((some_check))` which is less letter to type.
I'd also maybe look at parsing .SRCINFO instead of sourcing PKGBUILD, but not super relevant for a TU application :)
Thanks for looking through the scripts in addition to the PKGBUILDs! I never though of parsing the .SRCINFO instead of sourcing the PKGBUILD but it would likely be a lot cleaner and more robust, will look into it.
Now, excuse me. I need to find a Norwegian to sponsor as we can't have the swedish leading with 3 packagers.
Haha, at least we're currently safe from the Danes being in the lead! ;)
As mentioned earlier, they are of high quality and cover a broad range of build systems and applications. One minor thing I spotted while going through some of PKGBUILDs is the use of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, for instance in
If you set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS then it overrides Arch's defaults. You have to explicitly add $CXXFLAGS to the cmake option to append options.
Thanks for looking through the PKGBUILDs and for the feedback, I'll make sure to address the flags in luau shortly. All in all, struggling to not repeat myself, but thanks for the kind words and encouragement. Appreciate it, cheers! -- Sincerely, Carl Smedstad PGP: 888285CF6ED6758F