Hi, I'm the creator of AutoUpdateBot. This bot is originally designed as a bot for the arch4edu repository to automatically update the packages of the arch4edu maintainers on AUR. Then our build bot will test the new PKGBUILDs and we will fix any found error in a day or two or even downgrade the package on AUR when necessary.

Then I decided to open this bot to everyone and I did consider about testing before pushing at that time. However, it's hard to test the PKGBUILD for those packages which have AUR dependencies. So I haven't set up any test yet.

I still don't have a solution for package with AUR dependencies. But I'm planning to alleviate this issue by testing packages without AUR dependencies, sending an email to the maintainer when there's an update and adding a pinned comment to inform the users about the automatic updates.

If you have any suggestion on how to improve this bot please reply to https://github.com/arch4edu/aur-auto-update/issues/30 .

Best regards,
Jingbei Li