Great, So back to the basics: 1) My intentions were _never_ to send an orphan request of a package that hasn't been updated in 2 to 3 hours. The person who came up with that is at least as silly as I was. 2) Funny. I'm not going to send an orhpan request to an official package after I see it's out of date. Perhaps I would also call the president of USA every time a flu has been spotted in my country in case it possibly spread to USA and killed every people there? 3) Yes, for chrissake, I _do_ realize that when I disowned the package I "gave up my rights" or in whatever way you wanna phrase it. No need to say that on every other mail. And I should've never sent the first mail in the first place. 4) As it turns out, JerichoKru was not the kinda maintainer I thought he might be so this whole talk about the correct orhpan/maintenance philosophy no longer necessary. I really don't think there's anything here that hasn't or needs to be mentioned. I don't even use the package so I don't really care about its future anymore. It's up to JerichoKru and its future maintainers Thanks for your time, Det