Thanks, Polarian. I thought about using pkgbase because the repo name differs from the actual script name.. But I will heed your advice and use pkgname instead, and _pkgname as the real name of the script file. On 22/03/2023 08:11, Polarian wrote:
You can removed the commented keys because they are not going to be used if commented :P
provides is not required here, as it is inferred from the package name, if the package name is equal to what it provides, it can be inferred.
What is up with the different package name and package base?
Package base is used for split packages, as this is not a split package what stops the pkgbase being equal to the pkgname and thus inferred? (Inferred meaning you can remove the pkgbase if it is equal to the pkgname).
Ensure to test build (ideally in a clean chroot) the package before pushing to the AUR, will save you a lot of headache bumping pkgrel every time you realise the package is broken.
Good luck,