On 04/03/2017 11:17 AM, David CARLIER via aur-general wrote:
I wished to submit this new package, the only thing is the main source file needs to be taken from the url (e.g needs a registration) but that s all so I dunno if I can apply for submitting this to aur ?
The usual way to deal with such sources is to list it as e.g. local://$pkgname-$pkgver.tgz and expect the user to download it manually. Note that simply listing the source as $pkgname-$pkgver.tgz means the AUR submission process will block your upload, since sources without a download method must be included in the AUR commit (to be downloaded alongside the PKGBUILD). ... As Bruno said, you have lots of junk variables; if you're not using them, simply don't include them at all. :) Given that the pkgdesc references a C API for something, and it uses CMake and depends on pcre... I am guessing the arch should not be: arch=('any') -- which refers to packages that don't include platform-specific files like ELF binaries -- and should in fact be: arch=('i686' 'x86_64') -- Eli Schwartz