On Fri, 3 Jul 2009 18:12:36 +0200 Xavier <shiningxc@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Andrei Thorp<garoth@gmail.com> wrote:
I might also suggest to Nathan that he try to improve his grammar/spelling/capitalization/formatting. Doing these things properly will get you further in open source software communities.
This has nothing to do with open source, but I completely agree. Besides when someone does not make any efforts writing, the reader has to do much more efforts parsing and understanding the message, and will very likely just skip/ignore it.
An even better (sigh) example : http://www.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2009-July/008887.html
That's actually a really bad (and rude) example. The author of that message begins by stating that he is not a native speaker and apologizes that his English language skills are not very good. This is completely different from a native speaker who is just too lazy to clean up his messages, which appears to be the case here. It's a matter of making the effort, which a non-native speaker obviously has. Getting back on topic, I agree with the previous replies that this application is a bit premature and that it should be withdrawn for now. I believe that the enthusiasm demonstrated by Nathan is promising but the considerable number of posts asking for help with packages just prior the application demonstrate that he is not quite ready to become a TU. There's also the matter of a sponsor which is needed for an official application. Nathan, your efforts to contribute to Arch are very much appreciated and I hope that you don't take this as any sort of rejection. The replies so far all indicate that it's more a "not yet" than a "no". Just give it some time and keep learning in the meanwhile. Try to keep the language in mind too... not bothering to add punctuations etc is like showing up at a party without a shower in old, worn-out underwear... it implies that you just don't care. Regards, Xyne