I feel, I have to come back to the subject... I asked for removing package made by me [1] - the reason was some mess in PKGBUILD. Now I have to tell that another package containing ipla exists - [2] (ipla 1.1beta-6). As I couldn't get it working I decided to make own package which works. Now I know, I made wrong - package [2] works, just needs to install another package (so, it will be better to contact author of [2] than make new package - am I right?). So, finally please remove iplalite-kde [1]. Thank you and big sorry for the mess I made. *** [1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=61775 [2] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=32107 2012/8/10 Tomasz Niedzielski <ludvick0@gmail.com>:
Thanks guys for info.
2012/8/10 Vojtech Aschenbrenner <v@asch.cz>:
Excerpts from Tomasz Niedzielski's message of 2012-08-10 00:01:52 +0200:
I'm total new in AUR package creation and by a mistake I sent to AUR wrong (messy) version of the package. If you would like to continue in creating PKGBUILD for this, you can simply upload new(corrected) PKGBUILD and this old will be rewritten.