1 Apr
1 Apr
8 p.m.
Done. On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 5:59 PM, flocke <flocke@user-helfen-usern.de> wrote:
Could someone please remove this package: [1] I had a little twist in the name (brz instead of bzr) and noticed it when it was already uploaded ... Sry for the trouble!
[1] http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25172
-- flocke <flocke@user-helfen-usern.de>
-- Kessia Pinheiro Computer Science Student - Brazil, UFBa Linux System Administrator Arch Linux Trusted User Linux User #389695 http://even.archlinux-br.org --- X Fórum Internacional Software Livre - fisl10 24 a 27 de junho de 2009 PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil