Hi Doug, On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 06:12:50PM -0600, Doug Newgard wrote:
1. Your pkgver function doesn't work. pkgver should not be random, it should increase with each commit to the repo.
I copied it from some PKGBUILD - obviously from a bad one What about: echo $(git rev-list --count HEAD).$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) This returns: 10.51b537b Or what about this: git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=short | sed 's|-||g' This returns: 20140205 Or what about this combination: git log -1 --format="%cd.g%h" --date=short | sed 's/-/./g' This returns: 2014.02.05.g51b537b I took these examples from the PKGBUILDs with the most votes on the AUR. What is recommended for the pkgver function?
2. Don't have it depend on an old, replaced package (python3). You just want 'python'.
Fixed it.
3. Please quote paths that contain a variable like $pkgdir.
Fixed it.
4. You should append -git to the pkgname when you're pulling from git master.
Fixed it.
5. Why bother to define _gitname if it's the same as pkgname? Since you should be changing pkgname, _gitname can make sense or you can just do ${pkgname%-git} and get the same thing without having to use an extra variable.
Ok, i added "-git" to pkgname, now _gitname makes sense. Thanks for your suggestions. The updated PKGBUILD is again available at http://www.okraits.de/upload/omodoro/PKGBUILD Greetings, Oliver