On Sat, 19 Apr 2014 at 13:01:33, Ivan Shapovalov wrote:
I'm having trouble sending a new package to AUR. AUR replies "Missing arch variable in PKGBUILD". The PKGBUILD is pasted below; `namcap PKGBUILD` says nothing (i. e. all OK).
---- cut here ---- # Maintainer: Ivan Shapovalov <intelfx100@gmail.com>
pkgname=power-management pkgver=11.4722a84 url="https://github.com/intelfx/power-management" pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="systemd-aware pm-powersave replacement" license=("GPL3") depends=() source=("power-management::git://github.com/intelfx/power-management#commit=4722a84") install="power-management.install" arch=(any) md5sums=('SKIP')
package() { cd "power-management" DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ./install.sh } ---- cut here ----
This is due to a bug in the AUR PKGBUILD parser. As a workaround, move the arch line before the source line. The next AUR release will use meta data instead of parsing the PKGBUILD which fixes all parser issues.
-- Ivan Shapovalov / intelfx /