2010/10/27 Kaiting Chen <kaitocracy@gmail.com>:
This is called mirrorbrain (ok, it is a little more advanced). We just lack a server and someone to implement this. To make it more effective we'd also need some pacman modifications.
-- Pierre Schmitz, https://users.archlinux.de/~pierre<https://users.archlinux.de/%7Epierre>
Holy shit I just checked out http://www.mirrorbrain.org/; I did not know that something like that existed. I think this weekend I'll go ahead and install it on my server, load the list of Arch mirrors, do a small scale trial. I'll post the results probably next week.
If i understand how mirrorbrain works, using it could be also the solution for half-updated mirrors breaking things (I recall people had problems with the libpng/libjpeg rebuilds where moved out of testing a while ago, so much that someone pushed in AUR the old versions of those libraries). Not half bad.