Merry Christmas all, I have been looking for a general PKGBUILD forum to get some help with some build problems. I have been trying to build the mingw packages using makechrootpkg -c I have built 436 out of 497 packages. There are a few corrections I have to submit. BUT There are a few issues that are quite simply driving me nuts. These PKGBUILD'S are supposed to have built at some point :} I have come across an interesting error with mingw-w64-python-setuptools Quite simply the package() function needs access to /tmp/ It uses wine to install the package. But the fakeroot wont allow wine access to /tmp/ ie - wine: chdir to /tmp/.wine-0/server-841-4e2c3c : Permission denied I have tried a few tricks - even invoking wineserver as a daemon at prepare() this either freezes the build process - or cant access /build/.wine Any clues or hints would be appreciated. Thanks Macca