1 Aug
1 Aug
3:45 p.m.
Op dinsdag 31 juli 2012 23:13:46 schreef Vojtech Aschenbrenner:
I'd like to adopt zoneminder[1] package, it compilation fails, patches are available and I'd like to repair it.
Marked out of date since 19th July 2012. Author answered once in the comments but did no repair. Author is not responding to email.
Regards Vojtech
My general perception is in general buhrietoe is responsive in the comments so maybe he/she is on holiday. my opinion is to give it a little bit more time since we are in the holiday season. buhrietoe, if you are not on holiday could you at least leave a comment why the patches are not taken or should not be taken, or some other reason. thx --Ike