20 Mar
20 Mar
10:34 p.m.
2012/3/20 Martti Kühne <mysatyre@gmail.com>:
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 06:44:43PM +0100, Maximilian Bräutigam wrote:
Is there a way to avoid both the redundancy and the wrong interpretation at aur.archlinux.org?
This is the package we are talking about: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=34230
suggestion: use the parameter expansion in the source url only?
source=("http://my.domain.org/my/package-${pkgver//\./}.tar.gz") ...or would this be too obvious? saves you ... a line of code. :)
cheers! mar77i
This will display a weird source URL line in AUR interface, and that's what the author of the thread want's to avoid. Therefore, not that obvious. Rafael