Hi Daniel, Thanks for your review.
You'll need to install the PerlArtistic license.
What exactly do you mean by "install the license"? Put a copy of it into the package?
This may be a small tool, but you're not really supposed to host the source code in the AUR. It should be hosted elsewhere and downloaded.
The payload code is one Perl script with 1400+ lines. For brevity's sake I am trying to keep it in one package, but if the community rules dictate to split it into PKGBUILD & source, then so be it.
MD5 is old (and, some would argue, busted). Prefer SHA1, or better, SHA256.
I wrote a little build script in order to wrap everything into the package itself. The script uses makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD which produces the md5sums array. How do I get it to use something else than md5sum? Simply roll my own by using sha256sum? Regards, Holger