I`am Mateusz Herych, from Poland. I`am 17 years old and I started with Linux 3 years ago (with Arch 2 years ago).
I registrered in AUR in December 2006, partition is my login there. One of my packages has been moved to [community] repo (skype-staticqt). Now I`am maintainer of 15 PKGBUILDs there. Most of them I using by myself. I have some knowledge with C, C++, PHP and bash. I have experience with other project (SCXD -
http://scxd.info) where I was a developer.
My English is average (I have few gramatical problems, but I understand all).
Why I want to become Trusted User?
Currently I`ve installed Arch on more than 20 machines (many of them are at my school, unfortunately all of them are x86 :( ).
I want to give something to this distribution. When I become TU I will move many of my packages to [community] repo, but I will adopt some packages like ircii-pana or idesk. Yes, I know that there are no new versions of them, but many people are using it yet.
I`am trying to help other people on IRC (mostly on Polish channels and networks, but I talking on #archlinux@FreeNode too. My nick is Part` there.). I translated some news from http://archlinux.org
to http://archlinux.pl. I promote Arch Linux in my community.
So, I`am looking for someone want be my sponsor. Feel free to ask, if you want.
Regards, Mateusz.