Thank you, all is appreciated. On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 05:44:37PM +0200, Ike Devolder wrote:
Op zondag 29 april 2012 19:24:57 schreef James McGlashan:
Hello, Got a few packages I'd like to be removed.. The oh-my-zsh project was and still is a great project however my fork that I named oh-my-zsh for the aur. ( Intended to be just a system-wide patch for oh-my-zsh but ended up with far more development and is less upstream ) I plan to rename it to omz-archey-git instead of oh-my-zsh-git as suggested by zendeavor on irc. I'm also moving to sorin's fork of oh-my-zsh. I will make it default as of the rename.
Summary of all that above.. The below packages listed to be removed so I can upload omz-archey[-extra]-git to replace them. And I might default the pkgbuild to use my fork of sorin's oh-my-zsh.
The following packages need to be removed. I submitted them all. oh-my-zsh * oh-my-zsh-git oh-my-zsh-extra-git * - Meant to request it's removal a while ago. Never got around to it.
Thanks in advanced, archey.
go ahead with all your planned changes :)