Yo! During the voting of this application we experienced something we haven't seen before. Mainly that we did not reach the participation number we need to get a consensus on the application. This has never happened before and we suspected it might had been because of the recent aurweb release. After a bit of mocking around we discovered our mailserver had a queue with 2.7k emails and a *lot* of people expecting vote reminder emails simply did not get them. This resulted in the application being rejected because of a technical issue. This shouldn't happen, and the TU Bylaws doesn't account for errors like this. That means Ben would have to reapply in 3 months time which is silly. After a small discussion on the internal TU list we decided we'll allow a revote on this application and pay a bit more attentio to the email queue so all the emails people expect do get sent out. However, due to an aurweb bug I had issues submitting the new application. This has been fixed :) Please go vote! https://aur.archlinux.org/tu/136 Thanks for your patience. I have included the results of the previous application for the sake of transparency. Yes No Abstain Total Voted Participation 27 4 8 39 Yes 63.93% -- Morten Linderud PGP: 9C02FF419FECBE16