Hi, On Thu, Feb 1, 2018 at 5:44 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general <aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
This looks quite cool!
Thanks :)
1) How does this handle PKGBUILDs that, say, have their homepage on github, but do not tag releases there -- because :( :( :( -- and instead push releases to PyPI or npmjs or something?
This should work: unless a version can be determined from the upstream URL, the first source URL is used for a second attempt. I haven't tested the described situation, though.
2) It looks like your AUR package is downloading a source tarball, then completely ignoring it by using go get and downloading the bleeding-edge master. I'm not really sure how this crazy language handles packaging :p but I think *maybe* you should be cloning git+https://github.com/simon04/$pkgname.git#tag=v$pkgver and symlinking "$srcdir/$pkgname" --> "$srcdir/src/github.com/simon04/aur-out-of-date/"
You're right. I hopefully fixed that in aur-out-of-date 0.6.0-2 Simon