2016-04-08 10:26 GMT+09:00 张海 <dreaming.in.code.zh@gmail.com>:
I'd like to package another version of the AUR package android-sdk ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/android-sdk/), but without any content in `/opt/android-sdk`, solely for managing package dependency and misc files such as icon, desktop file and profile script. The real content of the package should be managed by user itself under `/opt/android-sdk`, outside of pacman. (This is a preference for some users like me.)
Since it does not come with most of the package content, should I call it `android-sdk-fake`? But since it does come with the depenencies and misc files, it is not a "really fake" package. Should I go with `android-sdk-almost-fake` or something like that?
My suggestion is to call it `android-sdk-dummy` to keep align with `systemd-dummy`, `texlive-dummy` and `dropbox-dummy`. These two packages only provides package dependency and let the user to install the real contents outside of pacman.
-- 张海 浙江大学 计算机科学与技术 Blog: http://blog.zhanghai.me/ Github: https://github.com/DreaminginCodeZH
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jiachen Yang 楊嘉晨 Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University Tel: 080-3853-2770 MSN: firechildren@hotmail.com GMail: farseerfc@gmail.com