Sorry about all my late responses. I have been really swamped at work for the last week. I will be more responsive this weekend. If you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. I really hope I can be a good addition to the team and I am eager to learn more of the process that goes into making Arch Linux as great as it is. Den 16.02.2025 kl. 08.21 skrev Dan "Strit" Johansen:
# Package Maintainer Application
Hi everyone
My name is Dan Johansen, but known around the interwebs, Matrix and AUR as Strit, and I am sending in my application to become an Arch Linux Package Maintainer.
Morten Linderud (Foxboron) and Carl Smedstad (carsme) have kindly agreed to be my sponsors in this adventure.
I’m a family man, with a wife and 2 kids, we are from Denmark and currently living in the southern region.
My first run-in with Linux was just over 20 years ago at school where I was tasked to setup a firewall using Red Hat. Then I had a break for about 10 years and came back in around 2013, where I started on Ubuntu, then switched to Manjaro in 2015-2016, where I became part of the dev team and a package maintainer of the ARM branch of the distribution and started maintaining some AUR packages. In 2021 I then switched to regular Arch and have been enjoying my time ever since.
My PKGBUILDs in the AUR are not perfect, so I am still learning standards and best practices. But I’ve been eager to contribute to Arch any way I can. I tend to help open source projects with bug reports, support assistance and translations where ever I can.
In my personal life, I work for a cloud company that specializes in Microsoft software, but I am full Linux nerd at home. Even my home server is running Arch. I was invited to join the community dinner at FOSDEM 2024 where I met some of the team members. I’m not very forward and a bit shy when I am around other people, but I believe I am a kind and helpful person. I’m a huge movie fan[1], I play TTRPGs like D&D, World of Darkness and other small games. In the recent couple of years I’ve also been out “viking-camping”[2], which is a nice break from technology and notifications.
Here is a list of all my current AUR packages [3].
As package maintainer I would like to include and maintain the following packages: • `python-tmdbsimple` (a python package to access the TMDB api) • `gpu-viewer` (a python application to view GPU information) • `greetd-qtgreet` (a qt based greeter for greetd) • `dfl-*` (a set of libraries written in qt for use in building desktop environments)
As time goes on and I get more experience I would like to also include: • `CoreApps` (a lightweight qt based application suite) • `watchmate` (companion app for PineTime watch) • `wayfire` and some AUR packages that depend on it
I would also like to co-maintain: • `griffith` (as I am responsible for the source of that application at this time)
I have also found the following orphaned packages in the repository that I would be able to maintain: • `aspell-da` • `reflector` • `stress` • `vcdimager` (if needed) • `xdhg-desktop-portal-xapp` (maybe)
In Manjaro I was packaging some Qt and Electron based apps, so I would like to help in that realm as well.
I hope this application is worth consideration and that I have described who I am to a satisfactory degree, if not you are always welcome to ask.
GPG Public key: `084A 7FC0 035B 1D49`
Links: [1]: [2]: [3]:
-- Med venlig hilsen / Kind Regards Dan Johansen